Image of a pregnant woman holding a baby
State of Parenthood - Download Button
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Why are we doing this?

Simply — we are in the business of parenting. We just so happen to be parents ourselves, and supporting parents is why we started this whole thing in the first place.

We are fascinated by what parenting does to your identity. How it evolves your sense of self. How it’s a shared experience that transcends geography, race, and socio-economic divides.

Mostly, we see parenthood as the gift of purpose. Giving us a deep sense of meaning that’s understood individually and collectively. What a rare and wonderful gift.

We did this research and started this journey to understand one another better. We care about our community, and we want to know how other parents are doing this. We want to validate parents and let them know: yes, we are all just out here winging it, and we all just want to do our best.

We’ve found that we all seem to do it better when we do it together.

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard signatures

Kristen Bell

Dax Shepard

Against all odds, parents are making it work.

While navigating the ripples of the global pandemic, parents in 2022 continued to face unprecedented challenges without a road map.

‍Parenthood is a transformational journey filled with individualized struggles and societal issues that affect the broader community.

In spite of seemingly overwhelming stressors, Hello Bello’s research found the State of Parenthood is surprisingly bright.

Our two-part research that focused on parents with children aged 0-5 was conducted in December 2022.

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person vs. parent
Parents are searching for balance between personal and parenting identities.

“I absolutely always combine roles. Parenting is a juggling act. Being a mother is a combination of many, many roles all the time. Raising humans is rough. Combine that with maintaining an intimate/romantic relationship with a partner and it can be overwhelming but rewarding. Throw in work? I'm perpetually exhausted. But I'm happily fulfilled…I do sometimes feel like I am losing myself and that is part of the constant balance struggle.”

31, Female, Millennial

Illustrated book

Unlike previous generations, self-care is now a top concern for parents.

The majority of parents have continued their hobbies since having kids, doing them either with or without their kids. (57-65%).

However, just because it’s a priority does not mean me-time is easily achieved.


of parents say it's difficult to carve out time for themselves making it the top reason why parents find parenting to be hard (tied with financial stress).

Illustration of headphones
Time for yourself isn't selfish, it's necessary.

“Just because you are a mommy doesn’t mean that is all you are. You are someone who deserves to make themself happy as well. Your kids are your world, but you don’t have to forget who you are.”

24, Female, Gen Z

Illustration of two wine glasses clinking.

Romance isn’t dead, it’s just different.

Finding intimacy through shared meaning and purpose is a common thread.

Parents are more likely to prioritize alone time over dates.

Despite the lack of dates, parents are still prioritizing keeping romance alive by redefining it.

76% of parents still think they have somewhat of a romantic life.
49% of parents rate their romantic life as strong, even.
Illustration of two hearts in chat bubbles.

“I am…a wife which includes being a lover, support system, friend, partner, companion.”

31, Female, Millennial

Illustration of hand holding a briefcase.
Parents today prioritize "working to live" over "living to work".

Most parents feel their role as a parent has a larger reflection on their identity than what they do for work.

The demands on parents demand workplace shifts.
56% of parents say becoming a parent has made them a more valuable employee.
19% of parents say parenting decreases their employment value.

“I don’t feel limited to staying home and cooking and cleaning. I can do whatever makes me happy and so can my spouse.”

30, Female, Millennial

Parents see their role as parents as a valuable benefit to employers and expect to see those benefits returned.

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pushing for progress
Raise good people to do good things.

I hope to raise good people, and feel confident that I have taught my children how to be good members of society and live on their own independently.”

24, Female, Gen Z

Parents are defining and implementing the tactics that worked and did not work for them as children.

Just over half of parents feel their parenting style is either very or somewhat similar to how they were raised. 19% are taking a very different approach. 28% of Gen Z is taking a very different approach.

When prompted to select the top two child traits that best indicate successful parenting, parents believe:

While parenting philosophies may differ, parents share a common goal of raising good humans.

"I hope to raise good people, and feel confident that I have taught my children how to be good members of society and live on their own independently."

24, Female, Gen Z

There’s no way around it, parenthood is stressful.

With money and time as the leading stressors, parents also rated the following aspects of parenting as particularly difficult

While a majority of parents are generally stressed about money, Gen Z and single parents are more concerned about affording the basics.

41% of parents are kept up at night regularly worrying about being able to afford essentials. (51% of Gen Z and 52% of single parents).
"I worry about police brutality, injustice, and inequality." – 31, Male, Millenial
54% of parents say that "anxiety about children's health and safety" is a difficult aspect of parenting.

Ultimately, parents are responsible for the lives of their children. Stress is inevitable.

“It is now more expensive than before to raise a child in these times of growing uncertainty and inflation.”

34, Male, Millennial

In spite of increasing challenges, parents are still motivated.

The majority of parents cite four top reasons they are able to maintain their motivation.

Hispanic parents are more motivated than average respondents.

Hispanic parents are more likely to be driven by wanting to be a better parent than they had.

One Hispanic parent said:

“I am truly motivated as a parent because I love my kids and want only the best for them, so they can be happy and good [people] in...society.”

30, Female, Millennial

Acknowledging differences among cohorts, it is clear that the Principle of Parenthood is that love and purpose drive parents, and while parents know they’re not perfect, they’re motivated to do their best.

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it (still) takes a village
Parenting is better together.

“[W]henever I see myself overloaded or overwhelmed I'm not afraid to ask for help. Try to find the resources and the right people to do it. And try to always put them first.”

30, Female, Millennial

Parents are not only finding strength in other parents, but they’re seeking support from existing personal networks.

A large majority of parents participate in parent groups.

“To be the kind of parent I want to be I wish that parenting groups were available for me and my family.”

30, Female, Millennial

How parents rate the quality of parenting advice they’ve received:

“When I need help staying motivated I turn to my husband and my sister because they always give me good advice and push me to get my goals.”

30, Female, Millennial

Community plays a vital role in parental success and family well-being.

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Parents are exhausted AND still motivated. Parents are seeking out ways to do better AND still proud of the job they’re doing. Parents are stressed AND still have a bright outlook.

Struggling parents can be helped through stronger support systems. And that is the one core truth–parenting is better when done together.

Parents need:Resources and spaces to have time to recharge alone.Childcare to be accessible and affordable, including for date nights.Their workplaces to provide balance and flexibility.Others to respect their unique parenting styles.Essentials (and non-essentials) to be affordable.Affirmation that they are doing a good job.The "village" brought directly to them.
premium parenthood for all

Our mission is to create a community of parents that celebrates and supports ALL parts of parenthood, and to provide that community with affordable premium products to help make parenthood better and easier for ALL families.

To dive further into our findings, please download the full report below.